Counting Cockapoos
A rhyming counting book from 0-10, all about Cockapoos and what they like to do.
Anyone who has met a Cockapoo will know the funny things they do. If you don’t, count along with this book to discover the entertaining things they get up to. Cockapoos are a crazy but delightful breed of dog, certain to make you laugh or put a smile on your face.
£3.50 -
Counting Cockapoos
A rhyming counting book from 0-10, all about Cockapoos and what they like to do.
Anyone who has met a Cockapoo will know the funny things they do. If you don’t, count along with this book to discover the entertaining things they get up to. Cockapoos are a crazy but delightful breed of dog, certain to make you laugh or put a smile on your face.
£3.50 -
Counting Beagles
A rhyming counting book for ages 0-10, all about beagles and what they like to do.
Anyone who has met a Beagle will know the funny things they do. If you don’t, count along with this book to discover the entertaining things they get up to.
Beagles are a crazy but delightful breed of dog, certain to make you laugh or put a smile on your face.
£3.50 -
Counting Springer Spaniels
A rhyming, counting book for ages up to ten-years-old, all about Springer Spaniels and what they like to do.
Anyone who has met a Springer Spaniel will know the funny things they do. If you don’t, count along with this book to discover the entertaining things they get up to! Springers are a crazy but delightful breed of dog, certain to make you laugh or put a smile on your face.
£3.50 -
Woody and Niamh
This enchanting tale features two cheeky pixies whose job it is to look after the surrounding woods and park. These little pixies love to play tricks and pranks on one another. Whilst playing tricks one day, they were concerned with the amount of rubbish appearing in front of their eyes.
They set themselves a mission to clear up this rubbish with the help of some other furry friends. Using tricks and pranks, these playful pixies fulfil their mission and inspire their fellow friends to do the same.
Follow their adventurous journey and experience lots of laughs and enjoyment along the way.
£3.50 -
What Does Ally Like?
Learn your ABCs and identify letters with your favourite animals.
With each letter we meet a new friend and find out what it is that they like to do.
This book is a fun way for you to learn your letters and what they look like.
See if you can find all the letters throughout this fun and creative story of your friends!
£3.50 -
Amazing Animals
Here is an animal anthology for the enjoyment of children, parents or teachers. The illustrated poems will amuse and entertain but have interesting factual information and related activities to stimulate further learning at home or in school.
So, if you wish to know the name of the most famous St. Bernard dog, how to tell a crocodile from an alligator, what giraffes do with their long necks when they sleep, whether owls really say ‘tu-whit tu-whoo’ plus many other amazing animal facts, do read on.
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Prince Oliver and the Winter Queen
Prince Oliver and the Winter Queen is set in a winter wonderland of snow-covered forests and frozen lakes, where magical secrets are revealed as magical abilities are discovered. A three-headed dog, flying horse and blue dragon are just some of the exciting creatures encountered along the way.
£3.50 -
Henry Pugh's Wiggly Tooth
Henry Pugh’s wiggly tooth is firmly stuck and he is desperate for it to come out! Meanwhile a tooth fairy is impatiently waiting to collect the tooth…does she do anything to help? Henry and his friends come up with an exciting plan. How will Henry’s pesky tooth come out?